
Friday, February 6, 2015

Feature Follow Friday: Do you Read More than One Book At A Time (spoiler: YES!)

Every Friday Parajunkee and Alison Can Read hosts Feature Follow Friday. It's a great way to get to know the blogging community and they ask fun questions!

This week's question is:

Do you read more than 1 book at a time, and if so, how, like a certain amount of pages per book before moving on to the next one in the queue?

Yes, I read multiple books at a time. Not because I get bored, and not because I'm on a mission (although I am taking part in a kajillion reading challenges here, here, and here). It's because I love books and I have self-diagnosed (aka, probably not real) ADD. I am currently reading:


  1. Woah! That's a lot! I usually read 2 books, 1 ebook and 1 physical, one's a review copy and one's whateverI wish it to be! At most, I'm reading 3 books are a time (like now) but that's cuz I'm bored of one and am taking a break! XD

    Anyway, hopefully, you'll remember all that happens in all those books you're reading!
    Follower via Bloglovin', follow back?
    ~Fari 0:) @ My Little Corner for Books

  2. Whoa! 6 books at once?! That's incredible! I would not be able to do that and be able to tell you what each book was about let alone character names and such! Especially since my genre tends to be a nice wide range paranormal/fantasy/occasional dystopian!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I use to read a three or four books at once. I don't recall ever finishing any of themXD Oooh, Vicious and Champion are awesome:D

  4. I'm just about able to read only a couple of books at a time, with one being an eGalley for review on the Kindle and then the other being a personal enjoyment reading selection off of my shelf. I like to read a lot at night, which lets me enjoy my Kindle a bit more, but when it's charging I like to read a few chapters or so here and there in the physical one. :)

    Happy Reading and Hopping Through!!! <3
    Have a fantastic weekend! :)
    Suz @ A Soul Unsung


  5. I carry my mp3 player at work and listen to audio books all day, but at home I have hard copies and my tablet. So I always have at least 2 books going.
    I followed you on bloglovin' and GFC

    Here's my Follow Friday

  6. I always read multiple books at a time too, I’m always reading at least one on my kindle and maybe a couple physical books. I like to be able to change from contemporary to fantasy or sometimes just to a different magic system.
